Our competent sales team fulfills the wishes of our customers until late afternoon. Whenever possible, arrived shipments are forwarded the very same day, guaranteeing the freshness of our products especially our cut flowers products.
Close proximity as well as direct contact to our warehouse and cooling facilities and an absolute vicinity to our products allow superior consultation and service. “Impossible” is not within our teams vocabulary.
Our warehouse is spacious and functional, the staff is well trained and highly reliable. Whether on water or dry in the box – there is no such thing as a day too long or a wish too much …
Our own fleet of trucks: flexible, fast and on time. There always exists a solution for each and every special delivery request. Although we accept orders until late afternoon, the direct delivery to every destination in Germany until the early morning is the utmost priority. When our customers arrive to their warehouses in the morning – our drivers have already been there.
BIGI over night … fresh and direct.